sábado, diciembre 29

Happy 2008 !!!!

Signs you're at a bad New Year's Eve party...

1. To give it a Times Square feel, everyone is groped, fondled and pick-pocketed
2. The 'Party Hats' look suspiciously like stolen traffic cones
3. There's a "Happy 2007" sticker on the packet of shrimp you've been eating all night
4. It's January 6th
5. Prison regulations require lights out at 10:00 pm
6. The guests have decided to start the midnight countdown at 10,000
7. At midnight everyone gathers around to watch your Uncle Earl's pants drop
8. You hear a guy doing a count down before using the bathroom
9. The 'Champagne' tastes suspiciously like apple juice mixed with Alka Seltzer

2 comentarios:

marisa dijo...

me alegro de que hayas vuelto, se te echó de menos en vacaciones.. que pases un muy feliz 2008

. : · Ro · : . dijo...

Aún no volvi!! jaja sigo hueveando en Mardel...
Feliz 2008 Marisa!! ;)