jueves, abril 25

Halifax, I'm dying to meet you

Desde que llegue, cada vez que escucho las palabras Halifax o Nova Scotia, van seguidas in-me-dia-ta-men-te de un "Oh yeah, lots of sea food and beer", con un enfático gesto de asentimiento. Si a eso le sumamos la costa del Atlántico y unas cuantas especies de ballenas... convengamos q no puede ser otra cosa mas que el paraíso. 
Hasta el diario de hoy me lo dijo:

"1751: Nova Scotia begins charging duties on billiard tables. Furious Nova Scotians, disguised as aboriginals, raid three ships in Halifax Harbour and try to throw hundreds of billiard tables into the sea, but only manage to throw out their backs. They’re angry at first, but also Canadian: They decide to get blind drunk instead, kicking off a tradition still observed by Haligonians to this day."

From "Time is Money: A History of Canadian Taxes" by John Mazerolle for metronews.ca 

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